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  Resolve Security Issues
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The following sub-sections describe how to set appropriate security settings when running Sitecore V5.  These settings are most appropriate for production servers.

1.  Set Root Folder Permissions

The ASPNET user (known as the Network Service user on Windows 2003) must have “List Folder Contents” permissions from file system root folder (e.g. "d:\") and down to the site’s installation folder.

2.  Set Indexes Folder Permissions

The ASP.NET user must have the modify access rights to the /indexes directory under the web root.

3.  Move the Data Folder

We strongly recommend moving the data folder to a non-public area.

To protect this sensitive information, move the data folder to a non-public area of the disk. Remember to set read/write rights for the ASPNET,IUSR_<MachineName>, or Network Service user on the data folder (see the Data, Upload, and Layout Folders Settings section below).

Once moved, you'll need to configure Sitecore to select data from the new location by modifying the DataFolder setting in the web.config file (located in the root directory of your site). 

 <setting name="DataFolder" value="d:\data" /> 

Update the following keys to point to the new data directory location:

NOTE: If you use Firebird databases, you should modify connection strings so they point to correct location of database files.

Please read more about configuring Firebird here:

4.  Set Execute Permissions on the Upload Folder

You should set the Execute Permission to None in the IIS MMC in order to prevent the execution of an uploaded file on the server side when a user attempts to download it. Choose properties for the upload folder in IIS MMC.

5.  Data, Upload, Temp, Debug, Layouts and xsl Folders Settings

To allow upload and modification of the site, Read/Write rights must be set for the following folders:

(If you create custom XML controls, all directories specified in the ControlSources section of the web.config must be applied with a debug folder that should have read/write rights.)  

NOTE: You should have moved the location of the data folder by now (see the Move the Data Folder section above).

To set the security settings on these folders do the following:

NOTE: The screenshot above applies to Windows 2000 only.

6.  Protect the Admin and Debug Folders

Sitecore contains various administrative, debugging information, and profiling aspx pages. They are located in the /sitecore/admin and /sitecore/debug folders. Those folders should be protected by removing anonymous access in the IIS manager.

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